About The
Gorilla in the Room
more than 600 first-party and third-party data sources targeting our
clients' ads to the right people, at the right time, without the waste.
To continuously build client relationships and help them thrive through integrated media
tactics, unmatched marketing innovation, and deliver data driven results.

Our Adopted SilverBack
Ishavu was born on July 8, 2001 and left his natal group in 2017. He is full
grown and the dominant Silverback of his group. Since beginning his reign,
Ishavu has been the only adult male of the group. He is the father of all the
group's infants, including Karame, his son. Born October 25,
2018, Karame is Ishavu's first son.
Learn more about the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and World Gorilla Day at gorillafund.org.